Monday, September 12, 2011

Zombie Dust

Zombie Dust
American Pale Ale
3 Floyds
6.2% ABV, 50 IBUs

    12 oz bottle, courtesy Chicago BAs, poured into a Sam Adams perfect pint. Pours hazy golden with a thick off white head. Good retention and lacing.

    One of the better smelling APAs out there, this one has me convinced that Chicagoland brews the best APAs, with the possible exception of Alpine. Never had Hoppy Birthday. Grassy and weedy as promised with some malt sugars coming forth in the aroma.

    Taste is fairly simple with both, flavor and bitterness, on a decent malt backbone. More dry hopped than bittered methinks. Initially it seemed very easy drinking and quenching but the body is pretty decent, with good, but not crisp carbonation. I like it, but I still think that the ABV could have been lower.

4.5, 4, 3.5, 4, 4

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