Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Homebrew # 4: Patersbier

Patersbier (Northern Brewer kit)
All pils malt (6 lbs Pilsen LME; 0.5 lbs carapils steeped at the beginning of the boil)
Hop additions:
   - 1 oz Hallertau (60 min)
   - 0.5 oz Saaz (60 min)
   - 0.5 oz Saaz (10 min)
Westmalle yeast (Wyeast 3787)
OG ~1.040
FG ~1.008
Estimated ABV ~4%

    Pours a light shade of hay with brilliant clarity and a massive creamy, rocky head with excellent retention and equally good looking lacing.

    The aroma is very complex and definitely displaying its pedigree: phenolic, fruity (pear, apples), and a spicy bite that (perhaps) derives its sharpness from CO2 bubbling out. Some bottles sampled about a week earlier had a banana note that could be attributable to warm fermentation, and seems to have cleared away.

    Tastes lightly fruity, with notes similar to aroma but quite low in their strength. A very mild hop bite at the end, that is noticeably tamer and more desirable this way. The "homebrew" (amateur) note is still there that I often refer to as "house character" :/

    Overall clean, light bodied, very crisp and very refreshing. Bonus is lower alcohol, certainly very low for its complexity and flavors, and truly sessionable.

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