Monday, September 19, 2011

ABR, Tasting reviews

Barrel Aged Blackout Stout

Great Lakes Brewing Co.
Shared generously by Andrew, thanks! Poured into a tasting snifter.

    Thin and brown as opposed to viscous black: not-so-stout-y looking. Aroma is bourbon, coal/smoke/roast, and some, umm... tartness? Taste has strong presence of roast and coffee, and the associated acidity. Not as big on bourbon in taste as in the aroma. Some chocolate notes. Very thin body with low carbonation. Seems like something is wrong with this beer/bottle.

Overall pretty pedestrian for a sought after barrel aged stout.

Bourbon Darkness 2011

Surly Brewing Co.
Poured into ABR 2011 glass by the brewer himself!

    Dark, rich black with a nice dark brown head. Good retention too... definitely inherits its looks from the base beer.

    Aside from the looks and the raisin character of Darkness, this beer seems different on so many levels! The smoothness of regular Darkness is entirely missing, and so are the hops, obviously. The latter is not a bad thing in my opinion. However, this beer is still very sweet without being well integrated, and somewhat boozy, and yet the bourbon character is mute. Odd :/


Surly Brewing Co.
Poured into ABR 2011 glass by Todd Haug.

    Clear and dark brown with medium head that fell into a nice collar. Aroma is honey and ginger; sweet and spicy. Tastes sweet at front with plenty of honey flavor with malts in the background and little hops. Finishes very clean. Well carbonated with a medium body.


Surly Brewing Co.
Poured into ABR 2011 glass.

    Very dark and rich brown with a good head and good retention. Aroma is some berry and sweetness. Tastes a little too tart for me but that should be expected for a cranberry stout! As others have reported, the cranberries are alive although I have no idea how it was fresh.

    Not quite chewy but still good on the mouthfeel. I am glad to tried it although there's no way I am going after it.

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