Friday, September 16, 2011

Westvleteren 8

Westvleteren 8

    Big thanks to jrallen34 for this 11.2 oz bottle. Date on the cap is August 2013. Poured into a snifter. Pours chestnut brown with good clarity and a light cappuccino colored huge creamy head. The head retention is good, and so is the lacing.

    The aroma is very sharp and almost pungent at times! More phenolic and yeasty, and less sweet smelling than 12; there is ample toasty caramel goodness from the dark sugars, and hints of fruit and chocolate, but there's a strong phenolic character too.  A note or two of alcohol that I don't mind one bit.

    Fruity sweet with dark fruit on the palate with the yeast/byproducts present all along. Not quite as tannic as the bigger Quads, but still bitter and cleansing at the end. Very clean finish with some warmth lingering. The body is medium and the carbonation rather low. It's good, actually very good, but I doubt I'll have it by myself again. Considering it's tougher to come by, more so than 12, I think it'll be best shared. There are equally good or better off the shelf Quads for regular drinking.

4.5, 4, 3.5, 4, 4

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