Monday, August 29, 2011

Baltika #6

Baltika #6
Baltika Breweries
7% ABV

    500 ml bottle with a best before date of April 14, 2012 (brewed April 14, 2011) poured into a Surly pint. Poured clear and dark brown with a medium tan colored head with average retention and some lacing.

    Smells slightly malty with some caramel and toast lurking underneath. Hint of roast.  Off to taste. Starts on an average, maybe even good, note displaying plenty of dark malt character and robustness; but off flavors are soon felt, especially a strongly metallic taste and stale, icky bitterness. I expected this to be a Baltic Porter but it is just a bad attempt at the British/American examples it seems.

    The carbonation and the body are alright, but that's about it. Overall I am not impressed.

Appearance 3.5/5; Aroma 3/5; Taste 2/5; Mouthfeel 3.5/5; Overall 2/5

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