Monday, August 8, 2011


    I had been wanting to try the Kuhnhenn Brewing Company's Bourbon Barrel 4th Dementia and its base beer for a while now and scored them in a recent trade. Thanks Ron (Romulux), finally!

    4th Dementia poured a deep murky brown color, incidentally very close to fig flesh, with a medium khaki colored head. The head retention was average, basically a firm ring of foam and a small sheet of bubbles on the surface. The barrel aged version was the same color, but noticeably cloudier and there was no head, nada, none.

    The aroma of 4th Dementia was figs, other dried fruits, caramel, and mild sweet alcohol. The 13.5% alcohol by volume is well masked. Good, but not nearly as rich as what's next! The barrel aged 4th Dementia is an onslaught of vanilla, coconut, and strong strong dark fruit. Very very delicious, although the alcohol is rather in-your-face. Not on the level of bourbon, but more on the level of stronger wine.

    4th Dementia, a great tasting ale, is a very very balanced blend of rich, flavorful sweetness, understated bitterness, and a moderate to low astringent character derived from what I assume are roasted grains. Exceptionally clean finish with a medium-long aftertaste. The carbonation keeps the beer alive, bubbly and amazingly easy to drink. The body is medium, and not all that viscous. I assume it's the extended secondary/bottle conditioning that achieves so much flavor while not letting the beer get tiring.

    And just when you think it's not getting any better, the barrel aged version delivers everything good about the regular version in twice the amount, and with some bonus notes of its own: exceptionally silky, amazingly balanced, very sweet, yet quite bitter, and still so clean in its finish, this one can stand up against J.W. Lees! The flavors are primarily dark fruit, chocolate, leather and tobacco. While there was no head, the carbonation is just right; the body is no thinner or heavier than it should be. The roast is much more mellow than the regular version, but still present, and very welcome.

    Overall, great beers, and so much better than most others in their class. Thanks Ron for introducing me to this fine pair.

4th Dementia
(2010 Vintage)
Barrel Aged 4th Dementia
(2010 Vintage)

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