Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pannepot (Old Fisherman's Ale)

33 cl bottle, 2007 vintage, sent as an extra by Romulux. Thanks a lot! Poured into a 25 oz snifter.

A darker hue than most Belgian Strong Ales, Pannepot pours the dark brown color of an Imperial Stout with good clarity, and yet little transparency. The head is creamy and dark khaki-brown; the retention good and the lacing beautiful.

The aroma is earthy, spicy, caramel and candy sweet, with sweet alcohol. The fresh dessert notes that only quality Quadrupels have. Maybe not as good as I remember the Reserva to be.

There is certainly a powerful chocolate note, but dark fruit and toasted coconut dominate the taste. On a second thought, Pannepot tastes like a seamless marriage of the three. I am digging the play between sticky sweetness and the tannins. And the mild carbonation somewhere in between. Among the dark fruit notes, plums stand out the most in my opinion.

Overall, De Struise has done an excellent job with this, and with Reserva. The only non-Trappist beers to come close to the Trappist examples, with the exception of Cuvee Van De Keizer Blauw. I love it.

Appearance 4.5/5; Aroma 4/5; Taste 4.5/5; Mouthfeel 4.5/5; Overall 4/5

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