Friday, August 12, 2011


Imperial IPA
Avery Brewing Co.
10.46% ABV
102 IBUs
OG 1.090

    22 oz. bomber from batch # 14 (bottled June, 2011) poured into a 25 oz. snifter on 08/11/2011. Pours a deep shade of amber-red with a big off white head. The head retention is good, the lacing very very good. Looks like there's plenty of hops in here. Signature DIPA.

    There is no doubt in my mind that Avery wasn't stingy with hops for this one: the moment I pried the bottle open, hoppy fruitiness hit my nose, and that's what this beer is about. Fruity hops --- mango, papaya, pineapple. Sweet alcohol follows soon after.

    Tastes just as sweet as its bitter, Maharaja is one of the sweeter and fruiter beers I have had. Strange as it might sound, this seems like a beer that could convert non beer drinkers. That or mine is an acute case of LTS. The caramel backbone is solid but the finish clean and the beer not one bit cloying. It's funny that I thought I'd hate Maharaja because of how folks keep saying how malty it is, and malty it INDEED is. But, it's well done. Very very well done. Can't but think of pineapples, damn!

    One of the silkier beers of its genre, Maharaja's feel and texture is more into Strong Ale territory. Makes me wonder if DIPAs should be further classified into sweet DIPAs and dry DIPAs, much like wine. Coming back to this one, everything seems fitting. Yes there's alcohol, but ya know, what the hell. It complements the beer.

    It's strong, reasonably intense, quite warming and very flavorful. A good DIPA even if not exactly my type.

Appearance 4.5/5; Aroma 4/5; Taste 4/5; Mouthfeel 4.5/5; Overall 4/5

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