Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Hair of the Dog Brewing Company
10% ABV
50 IBUs

This is my first review of any HotD beer and 100th unique brewer. 12 oz. (Batch 80) sent by cb462 as an extra. Thanks! Poured into a snifter.

    Deep, dark mahogany with a good and creamy textured khaki-brown head. Medium head retention and ok lacing. Good for its kind. Aroma is sweet malts, hint of smoke, some dried fruit. Certainly leather. No booze. Very generic, however, especially because it's so mute.

    Tastes disappointing :/ I had high hopes and I am feeling let down. I can see the potential but it seems too rough. Some sweetness with a biting earthy bitterness, roast, and over the top astringent character. Medium finish with a lingering bitterness.

    Mouthfeel is above average with understated carbonation and a medium body. Overall though, it drinks more like a blend of a barleywine and Old Rasputin, than a barleywine on its own. I don't like it.

Appearance 4/5; Aroma 3/5; Taste 2.5/5; Mouthfeel 3.5/5; Overall 3/5

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