Sunday, February 26, 2012

Town Hall Barrel Aged Week 2012

L to R: Buffalo Bock x 2, Wee Jack x 2, Twisted Jim x 2, Tumaltuous Rare x 2, Barrel Monkey x 2, Czar Jack x 4

Day 1: Buffalo Bock (Weizenbock aged in Eagle Rare barrel)

    7.2% ABV before barrel aging. Served in a 10 oz chalice like glass at the brewpub. Dirty garnet with a wispy tan colored head... head retention and such are tough to comment upon but the beer looked appealing. Obscure fruitiness and oak/bourbon notes at the beginning that are taken over by strong over ripe banana notes with temperature.

    Slightly boozy in a very good way... the barrel character shines, especially at slightly colder temperature. Low carbonation, medium body and silky feel, with a clean finish. An example of barrel aging done right.

look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4

Day 2: Wee Jack (Wee Heavy aged in Jack Daniels barrel)

Wasn't a fan last year, not a fan this year either. I thought it was too fruity for a Wee Heavy. Earlier review here.

Day 3: Twisted Jim (Twisted Reality barleywine aged in Jim Beam barrel)

    10.4% ABV. Served in a 10 oz half pint glass. I have had the base beer not too long ago... I thought it was excessively bitter and hop forward to the extent that malts' only contribution was characterless sweetness and body. I have the same complaint against the barrel aged version.

    Looked slightly hazy caramel-amber colored with a small head with good retention and lacing. Aroma was caramel, vanilla, general barleywine and general barrel notes at first. Upon the first few sips, it was really hard to get past the extreme bitterness, but once the palate got accustomed, the malt and barrel character did come forward. Notes of toffee, chocolate, and richness in general, accompanied by pleasant boozy "heat". This beer begs to be thrown into the cellar for a few years!

    The citrus peel bitterness was off putting to me, considering what I was expecting... maybe I am just not a fan of American barleywine style :/ Twisted Jim is certainly not a bad beer, and is very well crafted. It's just not my type, not right now anyway. Not every barleywine can taste like King Henry right off the bat I suppose X-(

look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4

Day 4: Tumaltuous Rare (Tumaltuous wheatwine aged in Eagle Rare barrel)

    ABV? Served in a 10 oz chalice like glass. Expectedly hazy with a small off white head that refuses to go away. Aroma is loads of bourbon and malt upfront, with some wheat making thorough. Later on it starts to smell a lot more wheat-y. I can tell right away that this is going to be very very smooth.

    Has plenty of dates, figs and dried apricot notes in aroma and especially in the taste; and an excellent bourbon character. Faint tartness, from wheat I assume. Layers upon layers of harmonious notes... every whiff and every sip is a delight.

    Not too bitter, not too sweet and definitely not too tart, this is not an intense beer by any means... just an incredibly balanced, complex, and smooth strong ale that I am very glad to have had. Love it!

look: 4 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.5

Day 5: Barrel Monkey (Tank Monkey DIPA aged in Buffalo Trace barrel)

    ABV? Served in a 10 oz glass. Hazy burnt caramel color with a small head. Aroma has loads of vanilla from the barrel, and other bourbon notes but hops manage to hold their ground. Tastes like a liquor based drink with the feel of beer... bourbon forward with caramel and a dash of bitter citrus thrown in.

    Smooth drinking, but a sipper. Very good!

look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.5

Day 6: Czar Jack (Imperial Stout aged in Jack Daniels barrel)

    The keg was not ready to be tapped when I picked my bottles up. However, I have had it last year and thought it was solid. Earlier review here.

Black Note

    Blend of Bell's Expedition Stout and Double Cream Stout aged in bourbon barrels. Huge want. Thanks Frank! Shared with two other BAs.

    Very dark brown and clear with a tiny collar. An incredibly smooth and silky beer... feels like milk, seriously! Tartness, coffee, and very mellow roast with, of course, bourbon. Not the beast that Expedition is but an immense beer nonetheless. One of us had the opinion that the Double Cream Stout component brings the milkiness and smoothness and I think I agree. Very good, loved it! My only regret is not being completely sober while drinking this one :/

4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5

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