Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery is one of the most buzzed brewpub in beer circles and their beers always draw a lot of attention. Especially their limited beers like Mango Mama and Czar Jack (A+ on Beeradvocate, yeah!). Every year, at least since the last one, they host a barrel aged week and a new beer is released everyday = trade bait baby! I couldn't attend last year but I made it four out of six days this time to enjoy the beers and purchase growlers. And now I am about 200 dollars poorer! Here are my reviews:
Port Odin
Port barrel aged Baltic Porter7.5% ABV
Served in a wide mouthed 10 oz. glass at the brewpub on the first day of this year's barrel aged week. 02/21/2011 is the date.
Looks black but not thickly so, with a lighter colored head. Dark garnet highlights tell that the beer is quite clear. The head retention is poor, the lacing is not impressive either but all of that is forgivable for a barrel aged beer. Tartness, reminiscent of milder sours hits the nose first - sour fruit and green apple notes, followed by creamy oak. Smoke emerges as the beer warms up, and the glass gets emptier. Quite layered and complex aroma.
This beer feels fairly light on the palate - light to the extent of empty. There's plenty of tartness for an uninfected beer, some bitterness, and plenty of dark and sour fruit character with some roast. Finishes quite clean; actually tastes quite clean too, perhaps too clean. Later I find that it's not the taste that's disappointing, but the mouthfeel. The taste is actually very good, with layer upon layer of fruit, oak, alcohol soaked dried berries... and all that without much of roast - more like a regular Ale as opposed to a Porter. Eventually, the clean finish gives away to a longer and smoother finish with plenty of tart-bitter aftertaste but no tannic character.
The mouthfeel sucks. Thin and overcarbonated. I would want to ice distill this beer and have it flat. I could drink it as it is, but the mouthfeel... well, sucks.
Scores: Appearance 4/5; Aroma 4/5; Taste 4.5/5; Mouthfeel 2/5; Drinkability 3.5/5
Wee Jack
Jack Daniels barrel aged Wee Heavy9% ABV
Served in a wide mouthed 10 oz. glass at the brewpub on the third day of this year's barrel aged week. 02/23/2011 is the date.
Dark, unsaturated mahogany brown, and clear, with a small and creamy off white head. The retention is quite good for a head this tiny.
First impression of the aroma is bourbony tart. The smell is familiar and not bad but unlikely for a beer of this kind. I look for malty goodness but don't get any, but I do get some fruity esters; however, eventually the barrel notes eclipse any other notes. I don't like this character in this beer.
First impression of the aroma is bourbony tart. The smell is familiar and not bad but unlikely for a beer of this kind. I look for malty goodness but don't get any, but I do get some fruity esters; however, eventually the barrel notes eclipse any other notes. I don't like this character in this beer.
The taste is "Scotch" sweet: the sweetness is pleasantly understated. Prune and oak. Hint of tannins and slight bitterness towards the end, followed by a clean finish. I think the heightened acidity plays its part here. Warming, certainly. This beer differs from similar beers and similar styles in the nature of its fruitiness that's not as much dry-dark fruit as a good English Barleywine, but much lighter. Again, this character might have its roots in barrel tartness. Towards the end, every sip starts bursting with sweet and ripe berries and becomes quite an experience.
The mouthfeel is creamy with just the right amount of cleansing carbonation and the drinkability is excellent in the sense that alcohol makes itself felt but never dominates the experience.
Scores: Appearance 4/5; Aroma 2/5; Taste 4/5; Mouthfeel 4.5/5; Drinkability 5/5
Port Frost
Port barrel aged Imperial Stout9.3% ABV
Served in a wide mouthed 10 oz. glass at the brewpub on the fourth day of this year's barrel aged week. 02/24/2011 is the date.
Dark and shiny looking with barely any head. Smells tart and tastes tart. All the beers in this festival have had a strong fruit and tart character to them! This one is no exception: massive on fruitiness, mostly the darker kind; subdued but present roast towards the finish. Mildly bitter with a fruity and clean finish. Medium bodied and silky with perfect carbonation. Sweet alcohol raises head with warmth but doesn't hurt.
It's hard to say how much of the character is coming from Port wine, but whatever has come has melded very well.
Scores: Appearance 4/5; Aroma 3.5/5; Taste 4/5; Mouthfeel 4.5/5; Drinkability 4.5/5
Czar Jack
Jack Daniels barrel aged Imperial Stout9.3% ABV
Served in a wide mouthed 10 oz. glass at the brewpub on the last day of this year's barrel aged week. 02/26/2011 is the date.
Shiny, brilliant, rich, "colorful" black, as opposed to the gray kind, with a thick and creamy coffee and cream colored head that just stayed there for a while. Among the best looking stouts and perhaps the best looking barrel aged example. Very beautiful.
Coconut, banana, other fruit, and roast is the first impression. With warmth the coffee and bourbon character takes off really well. The taste is similar: bitter chocolaty, fruity-tart, and coffee tart. Finishes very clean and leaves a roasty aftertaste with plenty of coffee. Quite warming. The body is thinner than I would like or it might be the higher carbonation lending the impression of lightness. Drinks well and the alcohol never interferes. A very good beer for sure!
Scores: Appearance 5/5; Aroma 4/5; Taste 4/5; Mouthfeel 4/5; Drinkability 4.5/5
Scores: Appearance 5/5; Aroma 4/5; Taste 4/5; Mouthfeel 4/5; Drinkability 4.5/5
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