Saturday, February 12, 2011

Doubly Down 'N Even Dirtier

Doubly Down 'N Even Dirtier
Barrel Aged Chocolate Vanilla Double Stout
Tyranena Brewing Company LLC

Late 2010 bottled 12 oz bottle with a screw off cap poured into a Three Philosophers glass on 10/02/2011.

Appearance 3/5
The first thing you notice is that this beer is not all that stout-y looking: visibly thin, a lighter shade of brown than most stouts, and while it's hard to talk about the clarity of this kind of beer, it seems murkier than most. Still, there's nothing horrible about the way it looks, and I might be nitpicking. Not big on head, head retention or lacing either but that's forgivable for a barrel aged beer I guess.

Aroma 4/5
A complex and very well rounded aroma: coffee, chocolate, perhaps vanilla. Bourbon is present but not overpowering. The thing about the aroma of a well done beer of this kind is that the flavors complement each other so well that it's tough to point out what's lending what.

Taste 4.5/5
Equally delicious as the aroma, but much stronger, the taste is a great combination of complementing elements: coffee, chocolate and later, vanilla. Bitter, acidic, and smooth, this is a great tasting beer. A clean, long finish, full of desserty deliciousness. There's not much roast involved here but I am not complaining. Some alcohol shows up towards the end.

Mouthfeel 3/5
Silky and low on carbonation as would be preferred for a flavor profile like this, this beer is very well done in that respect but is awfully thin: so much that nothing can make up for it. Agreed that the alcohol is on the lower side, but still, there are examples with similar alcoholic strength but better body.

Drinkability 5/5
I could drink more than one and not regret it in any way. An underdog that I would describe as “poor man's KBS!”

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