Founders Brewing Co.
Double IPA
9.4% ABV
86 IBUs
12 oz bottled 01/11/11 poured into a big snifter on 02/01/11.
Appearance 4.5/5
Amber tangerine with appropriate haze of a hopped up beer, and with an off-white head that sticks around. The lacing is not as good but I am positive that the wide glass is to blame for that. However, that would be made up in aroma!
Aroma 4/5
This beer is indeed all about hops even though it doesn't have the word "hop" in its name. There's a sharp, herbal-piney character combined with a floral, fruity character from late and dry hop additions. However, I really like the fact that it's not overly fruity, that has been my complaint against some of the recent IPAs. There's an impression of sweetness that could be from malts, or fruity hops? Upon more thought, this could be alcohol too.
Taste 4.5/5
Kickass bitterness riding on a solid backbone pretty much describes the taste. Pine sap, and relatively less, but present grapefruit notes along with some spice. But mostly unadulterated bitterness. I like it. Clean and bitter finish with no residual sweetness, but some warming effect. I like it even better. A straight up DIPA.
Mouthfeel 5/5
Solid backboned, well carbonated, and crisp for its size, Double Trouble nails it. Another home run for Founders.
Drinkability 4.5/5
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