Thursday, February 3, 2011

Noble Pils

Noble Pils
Samuel Adams (Boston Beer Company)
Fuck you for being unnecessarily tough with age verification.
Bohemian Pilsner

12 oz bottle, best by 06/2011, poured into a Sam Adams "perfect pint" on 02/03/2011.

Appearance 5/5
Straw golden and brilliantly clear with a fluffy white head that's being fed by the steady stream of bubbles rising from the laser etched bottom of the glass. Great head retention and beautiful lacing on this one!

Aroma 3.5/5
Saaz hops... ummm, not really. Smells of pils malts and European hops but not as much as the blurb on the bottle. Marginally above average considering piss makers market their beers as pils.

Taste 3.5/5
Marginally above average, again considering that Miller calls their flagship a beer with "great pilsner taste." Some Euro flavors with minor bitterness but that's about it. Although the style is not supposed to be terribly complex, this doesn't even seem like well done. Top that off with a clumsy sweet finish and you're reminded of, as my buddy says, quintessential American Adjunct Lager. Sadly he's right. I do taste rice I believe although I am not an expert on adjunct swill; however, the said buddy is. And I don't get any citrus as the bottle claims.

Mouthfeel 3.5/5
It's well carbonated and can lend an impression of crisp, but that's a false one. Body is medium and seems alright. Overall the mouthfeel is ok, but seems soulless without the taste.

Drinkability 3.5/5
I could have a few but the unnecessary sweetness will get to me. So just okay.

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