Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Oatmeal brown ale
Surly Brewing Co.
5.5% ABV
45 IBUs
OG: 14º Plato

On tap at Old Chicago, Roseville MN. Served in a shaker pint glass.

Appearance 4/5
Deep reddish brown with good clarity, it sports a medium light brown head with average retention and good lacing.

Aroma 3.5/5
Dark nutty, malty, grainy, dried husk. Appetizing but not significantly so.

Taste 4/5
Light fruity sweetness with some hop flavor, firm character of specialty malts, pleasant roast, with a dark, dry, and bitter finish. Noticeably nutty at warmer temperatures. Very quaffable.

Mouthfeel 4/5
Medium body, perhaps overly crisp & carbonated, and clean. I like it except the carbonation could be a notch lower.

Drinkability 4.5/5
An excellent drinking beer that is not palate tiring by any means but is very satisfying.

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