Saturday, January 29, 2011


Moylan's Brewery & Restaurant
Double IPA
9.2% ABV
On tap at The Muddy Pig during the IIIrd annual Festival of Hops. The serving glass and size might have affected the Appearance negatively.

Appearance 3/5
Deep amber, slightly hazy, with a moderate off white head, poor head retention and some lacing.

Aroma 4/5
Strong notes of lemon rind, herbs, and pine with little sweetness, if at all. Very dank!

Taste 5/5
Hopsickle delivers the assault I had been craving for a while now: strong flavorful bitterness with notes of citrus peel - fresh, herbal, and unadulterated. While the malt "backbone" is fine, there was no perceptible maltiness in the taste. A long and bitter finish that is not really dry, but the sweetness is completely obliterated by the bitter aftertaste. Hopsickle remains among the most bitter beers I have ever had.

Mouthfeel 5/5
Medium bodied, appropriately crisp, and clean finishing, the mouthfeel of this beer is spot on.

Drinkability 4.5/5
I would want to drink more of it but the ABV is on the higher side, so it can't be perfect. Regardless, it's a must have for hop lovers! It's a shame that the bottles are not dated otherwise I would be buying a whole lot of it.

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