Friday, January 28, 2011

Batch 9,000 Ale

Batch 9,000 Ale
Bell's Brewery, Inc.
12.5% ABV (Beeradvocate)
12 oz bottle, bottled almost exactly an year ago on 01/27/2010, poured into a snifter on 01/28/2011. This beer has been aging in my fridge at cold temperature the entire time so it'd be different from an year cellared.

Appearance 4.5/5
Poured clear and very dark brown with a medium sized muddy brown head that fell into a smaller bubbly film that stuck around. Very few beers lace this glass and Batch 9,000 was no exception. Still a good looking beer.

Aroma 4/5
An exceptional smelling beer, there's a lot of dark candy, anise, caramel and toffee, and dark fruit in this ale. The earthy spices go very well with the sweetness. Alcohol, as expected, gets really strong as the temperatures rise, and the balance shifts towards sharp and perfumy notes. And I am not sure if I am right, but I really thought for a second that I got some citrus.

Taste 4.5/5
Deliciously sweet, with layer after layer of harmonious notes: chocolate, silk, spice, hop bitterness, caramelized sugar, and then towards the end there's a strong presence of roast that should put many stouts to shame. There are some bright and seemingly tart notes too, that seem to be derived from the hops. The reasonable bitterness and the roast help keep things in check, or the finish might have gotten excruciatingly sweet. Borrowing from Founders, I would describe this one as Dark, Rich, and Sexy ;)

Mouthfeel 4.5/5
Very thick and coating with a little higher carbonation that what I would have preferred. The finish is sweet but it's still very dry in comparison to the sweetness in taste.

Drinkability 4.5/5
Way better than when it was released, this truly needs time. I am glad I have more to see how it develops. Highly recommended! This is one of a kind and I would love to get more of this treat!

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