Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Perfect Storm (Mother of All Storms)

The Perfect Storm (Mother of All Storms)
Pelican Pub & Brewery
English Barleywine
13.5% ABV
OG 13.7 degrees Plato
40 IBUs
22 oz bomber of 2010 vintage, received as a generous surprise from lurchingbeast, poured into a big snifter. Thanks Frank! This beer was one of my top wants since it tops Beeradvocate's list of English Barleywines, and I love me some J.W.Lees - super excited to try this one!

Appearance 4/5
Deep garnet and clear with a big brown head that gave away rather soon and settled into a thin collar, without any lacing. However it should be noted that this beer has spent time in barrels and is quite high in alcohol, so poor retention is not a problem.

Aroma 4/5
The usual suspects are present: Toast, caramel/toffee, figs, sweet alcohol and bourbon, and then there are some off putting notes of green potatoes. Alcohol gets a little too strong at warmer temperature.

Taste 4/5
Sweet, but flavorfuly so, with a sharpness of character. Despite the dominantly sweeter notes, this beer is quite bitter and astringent and would complement fatty food very well. A long and vinous sweet finish with a slightly bitter and alcoholic aftertaste.

Mouthfeel 3/5
Disappointingly thin!

Drinkability 4/5
Good, but this beer didn't wow me in any respect. I will definitely revisit it if I get a chance to!

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