Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Kingfisher Draught

On tap at New Delhi airport, served in the brand's mug.

Appearance 2/5
Light golden and brilliantly clear with a tiny head that left soon and left no lacing.

Aroma 2/5
Light, sweet aroma. Typical adjunct lager smell, just stronger.

Taste 2/5
Slightly sweet, mostly bland, with some hop bite at the end.

Mouthfeel 2/5
A wee bit thicker feel than most of its kind with decent carbonation. Dry & clean finish. Not bad on mouthfeel but it just doesn't seem like beer-- just bad smelling soda.

Drinkability 2/5
It's a shame that this swill passes for beer. You can slam it but slamming malt liquor would get you drunk cheaper if that's the intention. Otherwise don't bother drinking it.

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