Sunday, January 23, 2011

HopSlam Ale

Hopslam Ale
Bell's Brewery, Inc.
Double IPA
10% ABV
OG 1.087
12 oz bottle from batch 10100, packaged 01/05/2011, poured aggressively into a 25 oz snifter on 01/23/2011.

Appearance 4.5/5
Deep tangerine-gold colored, Hopslam poured with a moderately sized off white creamy head that eventually receded into a smaller but persistent bubbly one, and left little lacing. The beer was a little hazy but got clearer as it warmed up. A good looking beer that would look even better in a narrower glass, but nothing lets you enjoy the aroma like a big snifter!

Aroma 4/5
Hopslam smells of balance and complexity: The elder brother of Two Hearted, it is strikingly similar in its mango notes, but is clearly sweeter and deeper, and different. To me, this ale is very good, but nothing as spectacular in its hop aroma as it is generally regarded. However, considered independent of style, this ale can compete with any other when it comes to aroma. The strong tropical fruit and tangerine notes combined with the strong and rich sweet notes lend the impression of fruit itself! It is readily seen that even though Hopslam is a Double IPA, it is cellar worthy. A wee bit of alcohol is noted when the beer gets warm. Soft, fruity, sweet and complex, Hopslam is an excellent smelling ale.

Taste 4/5
Very very fruity with the tangy sweetness of tangerines and the bitterness of citrus. A mouth coating, viscous, overwhelming taste experience that engulfs you and leaves with a sweet bitterness; however, a little too sweet. Yes, Hopslam tastes a lot like honey but that is not the most desirable quality in a DIPA, in my very humble opinion. Hopslam is hoppy and bitter but with a deep malt character. It seems stuck between being a DIPA and barleywine. That said, it's very good!

Mouthfeel 4/5
Silky and decent bodied, and well carbonated, Hopslam feels like THE DIPA except for the overly sweet finish.

Drinkability 4.5/5
All things considered, it is damn smooth for a 10% ABV beer! I only wish it were more aggressive and ass kicking!

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