Monday, February 20, 2012

Surly Mild

Surly Brewing Co.
English Dark Mild Ale
4% ABV

    Garnet to brown colored with a good creamy light brown head. Very good head retention and lacing... better than what I was expecting. Aroma is dominated by dark malts and some coffee notes, with caramel/toffee only in the background.

    Taste is... very similar to Bender? Except for the hop profile which takes a back seat here. Light malt backbone with ample dose of specialty malts... a good kick of roast without the tartness that comes along with it. Finishes dry with a long roasty aftertaste.

    Good carbonation and good mouthfeel... I haven't had any other mild before but knowing Surly I don't expect it to be "true-to-style". However, the fact remains that it's a very good beer and an excellent low alcohol option. The taste rivals bigger brown ales and this beer is almost a junior stout.

    Very easy to have a few... I can't recall the last time I had five pints of the same beer in the same sitting!

look: 5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5

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