Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dry Dock DIPA

Dry Dock Double IPA
9% ABV
Bomber send generously by poonamibaxter poured into a pint.

    Slightly hazy and brightly amber with a nice head that forms even without trying, DDDIPA certainly looks the part. Good head retention and extreme lacing tell me that this IPA is well hopped up. Aroma is citrus freshness and sweetness; nothing out of the way but not bad either.

    Taste? Fruit juice?! Seriously, all I can detect is lush, juicy, fruit: pineapples, mangoes, apricots... good (but not excessive) sweetness helps too. Now me, I love weedy, piney, and grassy IPA. And I like 'em dry. So this can't be my favorite, but it's a good IPA nonetheless. And if you're shopping for something that is lush and mellow, but not quite as big as, say, Maharaja, look no further.

5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4

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