Saturday, February 18, 2012

Oil of Aphrodite

Oil of Aphrodite
Jackie O's pub & brewery
Imperial Stout brewed w/ walnuts
10% ABV

Thanks Dan!

    Pours dark brown with good clarity and a cola colored head. Medium retention and lacing. Aroma is really tart, almost citric, with decent amount of coffee/roast notes typical to stouts. Taste is also a little too tart for my liking, but with a good amount of roast in there.

    Brewed with walnuts? Tough to tell. Yeah, there are some nutty overtones and a walnut skin like bitterness at the end, but if I had not known, I wouldn't even fish for those aspects. Other than that, it's a fairly average Imperial Stout and pretty lackluster in the richness department. Mouthfeel is medium with high carbonation, so it drinks like a 7-8% ABV beer. Not a fan.

4, 3, 4, 3.5, 3

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