Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Black Butte Porter

Black Butte Porter
Deschutes Brewery
5.2% ABV, American Porter

    12 oz w/ a best by date of 06/12 poured into a Surly shaker pint glass. Pours a clear brown color with a respectable light brown head; good retention and lacing. Aroma is coffee and dark malts... simple but very enticing. I didn't have much hopes from this beer but it's drawing me in. Fruity tartness in taste that is a little too light for a Porter in my opinion. However, the "darkness" of this beer succeeds in countering the fruitiness well. Slight roast and coffee in the taste, and a medium charred finish.

    The body is not too big but medium carbonation aids the mouthfeel. Overall better than what I expected I was in for and a beer worth buying over and over. Especially at those Twin Cities bars that have limited craft options. My ratings might not be solid but I can see this beer becoming a staple, in part because of its good flavor density and less alcohol concentration ;-)

4.5, 3.5, 4, 4, 4

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