Friday, February 24, 2012


SN Torpedo Extra IPA

    12 oz bottle poured into a pint glass. The code on the bottle is 125721... per freshbeeronly, this is not very fresh. I haven't had any luck before so here it goes: pours hazy amber with an awesome off white head... a beautifully thick, creamy, pillow-y head with excellent retention and lacing. Taking a point off for the haze though :/

    Aroma has the SN signature on it: West Coast hop profile leaning toward dankness, with the malts introducing some balance. Tastes clean, and flavourfully bitter. To me it's a cleaner, crispier, and drier version of SNPA. A lingering bitterness follows the finish with hints of tropical fruit. Light mouthfeel and good carbonation aid the experience tremendously. A good beer, steal at its price, and very enjoyable. I wish the ABV was 4.2 instead of 7.2... regardless, next time I buy a six pack of a straight up IPA, I will have another option besides Bell's Two Hearted, Founders Centennial, Furious and Mama... I know, lots of choice could spoil a man :-)

4.5, 4, 4, 4.5, 4.5

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