Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Russian River trip

The sampler at Russian River

Pliny the Younger
Pliny the Younger

On tap at Russian River, poured into a 10 oz nonic pint glass. 2012 release.

    Amber colored with some haze that disappears with temperature, and an off-white head with good retention and great lacing. Looks and feels very sticky and sugary, but taste is a different story. Aroma is sweet tropical fruit, with some sweetness lent by alcohol.

    Tastes fruity but very restrained in its sweetness, with a tropical profile and high bitterness, especially towards the end. Very clean for its huge body, mostly because of its hoppiness. A long and very bittering (pleasantly so) finish. Smooth and silky, clean but not crisp, with the alcohol very well masked. Very good, if not the most aggressive DIPA.

4.5, 3, 4.5, 4.5, 4

Reality Czech
Czech Pilsner
4.8% ABV

    Enjoyed a couple pints on draft at Monk's Kettle. Nice and clear with a pillowy head. Good retention and lacing. Aroma is pils malt and noble hops... quite mild but definitely appealing. Tastes grainy sweet with light malt, mild bitterness and a long bittering finish. Like the other features of this beer, the bitterness in the finish is mild and accessible.

    Light and crisp and extremely clean, Reality Czech's highlight is its extremely high drinkability. It is not often that one finds a good beer that asks to be drank by the pitcher!

4, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 4.5

Beatification Batch 3
Wild ale brewed in the Gueuze way if I am not mistaken.
5.5% ABV

    750 ml cork and caged bottle enjoyed at Monk's Table. Split with a friend. Poured into a tall, flute like glass. Feels good to slay a whale!

    Clear golden with a good white head. Very carbonated, almost fizzy. Aroma is funk, lactic acid and diaper. Tastes intensely and insanely sour with notably less funk compared to the aroma. Strong lemon, medium oak with a slightly tannic and bitter finish.

    Very very crisp and bone dry, although the later part of the bottle drank slightly mellower. I like it by all means but I don't see the demand. It was worth the 50 dollars spent only because of its reputation. Assuming that it is fair to compare it to other Gueuze, it's not top shelf.

4, 4, 3.5, 4.5, 3.5

Blonde Ale
5.15% ABV

375 ml cork and caged bottle from Batch 11 poured into a wine glass.

    I have been told that this is the closest commercial example of monks' table beer or "Enkel" beer. Pours a light hay golden color with a creamy white head. Slightly hazy and very effervescent. Medium retention and lacing.

    Smells good! Very restrained but delicious aroma of temperate fruit and pils malt (I think, not too good at identifying malts). A fruity and slightly spicy taste with present malty sweetness, and slight European bitterness. Full mouthfeel from residual malts and bubbles. Overall a very good, easy drinking beer. I like it.

4, 4, 4, 4, 4

3F Oude Gueuze

    12.7 oz bottle poured into a wine glass. Pours amber hued and very effervescent. The bone white head quickly fizzes away to a tiny ring. Aroma is signature 3F: musty, cellar like, damp, coal and slight funk. Very likeable!

    Taste is lactic and lemony sourness with medium intensity and an exceptionally clean character. While it is definitely sour, the tartness doesn't linger too much and it drinks like a more balanced beer. Although the young age might have something to do with it. Very bubbly and very clean, I loved it!

    Having had this (good) and some other (not as good) Gueuze, I am definitely editing (up) my rating of Lente, that is perhaps the best I have had till date.

4, 5, 4.5, 5, 4.5

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