Friday, January 27, 2012

King Henry

    22 oz bottled 10-08-2011 poured into my favorite 25 oz snifter. I can't thank Matt (match1112) enough for such a smooth and rewarding trade.

    Chestnut hued with some milky haze, King Henry pours deep and mystifying with a small tan crown atop. Unlike old English Barleywines (J. W. Lees 10+ years old vintages), the crown of this King is very creamy and smooth. Retention is just as good as one could expect from a beer of this kind, and swirling results in legs rather than lace. It's potent and it doesn't hide its potency.

    Aroma is filled with notes of my favorite dessert: buttery toffee. I imagine this is how it would smell in Old Delhi's sweet shops cooking sohan-halwa. Chocolate, figs and sweet alcohol follow. So smooth, so decadent. This is just as good as my favorite JW! Tastes sweet and rich with plenty of toffee and chocolate; can't say if the chocolate character is coming from its own malt bill or from Bourbon County and Pappy, but it's certainly doing the trick. Slightly tannic and cleansing at the back, very much reminiscent of figs and dates. Some toasted coconut here and there. Sure there is a lot of alcohol, and it's felt not only in the warmth, but also in the taste, and yet it is so smooth! Reminds me of Macallan, if that makes any sense.

    The body is big but not syrupy, and the finish not as long as I desire. It seems that the high alcohol is having a cleansing effect on the palate. On a second thought, a Scotch like maltiness lingers, but it's faint and obscure. An incredibly bold and big beer, and just as good as my few favorite Barleywines. And this does not need an age either. I love it and so will you.

4, 5, 5, 4.5, 4.5

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