Friday, January 27, 2012

Big Bear Black Stout

Big Bear Black Stout
Bear Republic
8.1% ABV

Bomber poured into a snifter.

    Black Stout? More like brown stout. Looks dark brown and rather watery with a small head in spite of a vigorous pour. Head retention is alright for whatever it's worth, and there's some sticky lacing too.

    Aroma is fairly standard with dark maltiness, roast, and possibly spice. Tastes sweet, sharp, and strongly roasty. Bitterness is thankfully only medium. Roast pretty much rules this beer but doesn't get tiring.

    Mouthfeel is extremely disappointing with not much to show for an 8.1% "stout" beer... tastes just too watery for its size, perhaps because of the high carbonation. Overall unimpressive.

3, 3, 3, 3, 3

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