Thursday, January 19, 2012

Blithering Idiot

Blithering Idiot
English Barleywine
11.1% ABV

Purchased 2010. Poured into a New Belgium balloon.

    Pours the right color, burnt amber and everything, but has an odd, stale look to it in terms of haze and the tiny bubbles. Can't really comment on the retention on the lacing, in spite of a hearty pour.

    The aroma of caramel is certainly delighting and so are the figs and dates. Not up there with the best examples but definitely good.

    All the notes from aroma are present in the taste, especially the caramel sweetness, but there is a definite bitterness. Oddly it seems that the (slight) bitterness makes this beer and aging anymore will be counteractive. Like other big beers, temperature is the key to enjoyment.

    Mouthfeel is alright but the carbonation is a tad high, just a tad. Overall just an average English Barleywine. The same quality/merit as Third Coast Old Ale. I like it but I might not purchase it again.

3, 4, 4, 4, 3.5

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