Thursday, January 19, 2012

FFF Alpha Klaus

Alpha Klaus
Kickin' fresh Christmas Porter brewed with Mexican sugar among other things. What's with FFF and different sugars?

Bomber poured into a Lion stout mug. Thanks Dan!

    Beautiful looking beer, dark brown and clear with a chocolaty, thick and creamy head that formed in cascades. Great lacing and retention as well. Smells of roasted malts, chocolate and general sweetness. No hops in the aroma whatsoever.

    Tastes sweet and chocolaty but the bitterness quickly takes over. Finishes quite bitter and slightly roasty. I understand this is Alpha King's cousin and all but the bitterness, frankly, is clashing. The aftertaste is rather empty too. However, the biggest culprit is the rather thin body that makes the beer taste rather empty.

    Overall a good porter but unbalanced for no good reason. Not in the same league as Edmund Fitzgerald or Cutthroat.

4.5, 4, 3.5, 2, 4

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