Monday, April 18, 2011

Mystery Stout

Mystery Stout
Short's Brewing Company
10% ABV
~55 IBU's
    Oatmeal Imperial Stout with cocoa and molasses. Received as an extra from drDogBeer. Thanks! Poured from a 12 oz. bottle with no freshness date into a big snifter.

    Pours very dark with a dark tan head. Very good retention and lacing. Top of the shelf as far as looks go. Chocolate and caramelized sugar in smell, this one sure has everything it talks about! Hard to say whether they come from actual additions or not, but there are strong notes of coffee too. Starts reeking of molasses with warmth.

    Tastes like it smells: bitter chocolate and milk with a hint of sweetness. There's some coffee like acidity that could be derived from roast, because there's no shortage of roast in this one -- The charred aftertaste lingers after the medium finish and feels very similar to roasted beans.
    Mouthfeel is silky and the carbonation medium. Lower carbonation wouldn't have hurt but the way it is, the finish stays relatively clean and prickly. This is a good stout no doubt. It's my second Short's beer and I have to say that adjunct =/= cheap. Good job!

Scores: Appearance 4.5/5, Aroma 4/5, Taste 4/5, Mouthfeel 4.5/5, Overall 4.5/5

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