Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Anchor Bock

Anchor Bock
Traditional Bock
Anchor Brewing
5.5% ABV
12 oz. poured into a pint glass.

    Pours dark and clear copper brown with a thick coffee-cream colored head. The head goes away rather quick and there's hardly any lacing. The aroma fails to impress initially -- more metal than malt and no melanoidins at all; however, warmth does the aroma a lot of good things and toffee, toast, and dark fruit notes appear and delight.

    The taste is heavy on dark malts -- although very clean and lager-y, there are plenty of dry fruit notes and a lot, a little too much, roast. Medium body for the style, and a crisp, astringent finish. High carbonation.

    Overall not bad at all, but excessive roast obliterates the malt complexity and makes the beer one dimensional. I wish the taste was as satisfying as the aroma.

Scores: Appearance 3.5/5; Aroma 4/5; Taste 3.5/5; Mouthfeel 4/5; Overall 4/5

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