Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Double IPA
Central Waters Brewing Co.
9% ABV
12 oz. bottled last month poured into a New Belgium balloon.

    Pours liquid gold and with a huge porcelain head. The head recedes eventually and leaves sticky lacing all over. The aroma is very weakly tropical fruity, and metallic? But it does improve with warmth. More C-hop character emerges and makes for a better than average smell.

    Off to drinking... I can see that this beer has potential- the finishing notes on this beer are powerfully rind-y and bitterness is UP there! The finish is dry and the body great, complemented by the just right crispness from carbonation!

    But what's up with fusels? That's the last thing I'd want in a DIPA. Terribly off putting! Wish it had better to offer.

Overall it's good but doesn't belong among the best of the best.

Score: Appearance 5/5; Aroma 3.5/5; Taste 3.5/5; Mouthfeel 4.5/5; Overall 3.5/5

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