Monday, April 4, 2011

Drake's IPA

Drake's Brewing Company
American IPA
7% ABV
65 IBUs

12 oz. bottle with no date, received as an extra from beerific, poured into a Surly pint glass. Thanks man!

    Slightly hazy, honey amber hued with a depth to its appearance; the head on this ale was par excellence. Creamy, light tan colored finger thick foam stood atop this rather dark IPA for the longest time, and laced the pint real good.

    The kind of aroma I would expect from a more balanced style, with generous dosage of caramelizing sugars and light fruitiness, and very faint hops. Not bad but not good for an IPA.

    I might be splitting hair here, but the more I drink it, the more I think that this is a stronger APA or a milder American Strong Ale. Of course the beer is named IPA, but it doesn't exactly deliver what it promises on the label. But I like it, a lot. A solid backbone, and present malt flavor well overshadowed by the intense hoppiness -- as if the zest from citrus rind was dumped in this beer in massive amounts; and then it finishes long, bitter and dry with a light kiss of caramel. Warmth brings out the subtleties and I swear I can taste pineapples now!

    Smooth drinking in spite of the strong bitterness with the right touch of bubbly crispness and, did I already mention, good body? Reminds me of Arrogant Bastard for some reason. Overall, very good, if not exactly an American IPA.

Scores: Appearance 5/5; Aroma 2.5/5; Taste 4.5/5; Mouthfeel 5/5; Overall 4/5

PS: I don't believe that it's only 65 IBUs.

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