Friday, April 8, 2011

Just Outstanding IPA

Just Outstanding IPA
Kern River Brewing
American IPA
6.8% ABV
22 oz. bomber with no date, but with freshness assured, received as an extra from beerific poured into a Surly pint glass. Thanks man!

    Pale-amber hued with good clarity and a big, creamy, "pillow" head. Good lacing and retention. Smell reminded a lot of mangoes at the beginning, but later gave away to pine, and some sweet notes with no particular character.

    I don't have the most discriminating of palates and yet I think that this is one of those IPAs that are hoppy, but not good. Is this a case of discordant kitchen sink hopping? Tastes empty with a massively bitter finish and entirely crushed malt backbone, and with no particular hop flavor of the aroma. Not impressed.

    Mouthfeel is crisp and the finish dry. But the lack of backbone doesn't work to this ale's favor. Overall, average.

Scores: Appearance 5/5; Aroma 3/5; Taste 2/5; Mouthfeel 3/5; Overall 3/5

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