Monday, April 18, 2011


Belgian IPA
Stone Brewing Co.
6.9% ABV
77 IBU's

    22 oz. "bomber" poured into a Duvel tulip. The freshness date is either unreadable or absent, but this bottle is most likely fresh.

    Hay-golden hued and hazy, this beer looks solid amber in the glass, underneath the huge off white head. The head retention is very good and the lacing is splattered all over the glass. The aroma is of fresh fruit and flowers - the hops of Stone IPA work so well with the esters from the Belgian strain. Truly remarkable.

    The taste is very similar, fruity and floral, with light flavorful sweetness from a good malt base. The finish is dry (nice!), and long and bittering; and that's where the Cali and Belgique clash in my opinion. I think that the bitter aftertaste is a little too bitter for this taste and the aroma, and although I don't think this way often, I really would like to see what happens with the bitterness dialed down a few notches.

    Mouthfeel is light and clean with good carbonation, although I won't call it crisp. Overall very good, but nowhere in my personal top list.

Scores: Appearance 4.5/5; Aroma 4.5/5; Taste 3.5/5; Mouthfeel 4/5; Overall 4/5

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