Friday, April 15, 2011

Brooklyn Lager

Brooklyn Lager
Vienna Lager?
Brooklyn Brewery
5.2% ABV
OG: 1.053
12 oz. bottle with a best by date of 09/2011 poured into a Weizen glass.

    Amber hued, and darker than most lagers, Brooklyn Lager pours clear and brilliant with a thick and fluffy light tan head. The head retention and lacing are good, and this sure is an inviting beer.

    There are a couple of things going on in the aroma but none of them overpowering; most prominently Vienna lager like toasted notes and a mild twang of sulfur. I don't smell any hops here.

    Bitter and bready sums up the taste pretty well. I am positive that the hops used are not the usual American varieties, but the European ones. Toast is present in the finish but the aftertaste is largely clean, and refreshingly bitter (in a Euro way!). The mouthfeel is light, but not watery, and the carbonation is perfect, making the finish extra dry.

    Overall, a beer that doesn't have tons to offer in terms of flavor but a well done expression of a simple, easy drinking style.

Scores: Appearance 4.5/4; Aroma 3.5/4; Taste 4/5; Mouthfeel 4.5/5; Overall 4/5

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