Thursday, April 14, 2011


Double IPA
Odell Brewing Co.
9.3% ABV
12 oz. bottle with great artwork and a best by of 7.12.2011 poured into a snifter on 04.14.2011.

    Odell's beers are not as hyped as many other breweries' although they make some kickass ones. But there was significant discussion about this one, and one poster on BA went as far as calling it a Pliny killer. I am going to find out for myself now!

    With the thick layer of sediment at the bottom carefully avoided, Myrcenary poured like a quintessential DIPA, golden stream with clarity and depth. Thick, creamy, unwavering head sat atop the amber orange ale for a while. Good job on the lacing too.

    When people say that the aroma saturates the senses within the first few sniffs, there's perhaps some truth to it. When I smelled the bottle before pouring, I sensed lush fruit. Now that this beer lies in the snifter that I know to be an aroma amplifier, it smells of nothing. Odd. Although there are some fruity hop notes, what I get most is malts (delicious though) and sulfur?!! I will wait on it until it's warm to put my score down.

    Tastes good but not exceptional -- bitterness is thankfully high and there's a lot of fruitiness as well. Some onion-garlic notes too but only if you're looking for them. A solid but in-the-background malt character. The bitterness lingers and keeps the finish clean, and yet I can feel my lips getting sticky. Clearly the hops are plenty for those sugars to not interfere with the taste!

    Properly carbonated and able bodied, this one would warm you up eventually. Overall good but one is enough in one sitting. With so many hoppy beers around, I doubt if I would revisit it, but I would recommend it to anyone interested and gladly drink one if it's among the best available options.

Scores: Appearance 5/5; Aroma 2.5/5; Taste 4/5; Mouthfeel 4.5/5; Overall 4/5

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