Friday, August 10, 2012

Town Hall seasonal sampler part xyz

Belgian White

The ABV is up to 6.1% but the name and the description are consistent with this entry.

Hazy golden colored with a good, lasting head. Perfumy, yeasty, bubblegum notes in the aroma; which was good but a rotting egg funk kept ruining it for me time to time. The off note was faint but detectable and interfering. Tasted spicy, yeasty and slightly tart. Alright on the mouthfeel.

4, 2, 3.5, 4, 3

Flight of The Falcon

"Single hop" pale ale.

Burnt amber hued with a good head etc. Dank hop aroma, and good, clean hop flavors in the taste. In spite of a reasonable malt base, the beer is dominantly hop forward. Silky and smooth mouthfeel, almost like drinking on cask (the freshness didn't hurt either).

4, 4, 4, 4, 4

Crimson Oat

Clear and amber colored. Fruit and an otherwise clean malt note in the aroma. Tastes only lightly malty, good fruitiness and slight hints of darker malts.

The mouthfeel is rather thin and watery. Can't say it was bad but nothing was remarkable about it. A solid C beer.

3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Raspberry Crimson Oat

Raspberry Crimson Oat was the "fruit infusion" on Town Hall's seasonal list a week or so ago. The base beer Crimson Oat is listed as an amber ale I believe.

Looks only slightly more red-brown than its base although the light is low and it is tough to accurately comment. However, it drinks way better than its base --- a strong raspberry jam aroma and a strong raspberry flavor in the taste without any significant tartness and sweetness from the fruit. Only hint of the base beer is the kick of specialty malts at the end.

Crimson Oat succeeds in being an excellent vehicle for the fruit but since it was thoroughly average, this beer cannot exactly be much above.

3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5

Belgian IPA

Advertised as a Belgian IPA. The server or the boards did not mention Elves' Elixir so I am assuming this is a separate beer.
Clear pale golden with a good and long lasting head. Smells closer to a tripel than an IPA; too heavy on the phenols in my opinion. A distinct note I can best describe as slightly soapy?

Tastes aggressively bitter but retains its Belgian character in its esters and phenols. Some fusel notes are present.

Finishes clean and dry although I could live with an even higher carbonation. Not bad at all.

4.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4

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