Thursday, August 9, 2012

50/50 Eclipse Elijah Craig 12, others

Eclipse Elijah Craig 12
Thanks poonamibaxter for the trade. Thanks for hosting Kevin.

Looks thin and not as syrupy as some others of its creed. Initially chocolaty with mellow roast and some vanilla; the barrels seem to be only in supporting role at first but the beer opens up with warmth. Creamy mouthfeel with medium carbonation. Would have been more enjoyable had it not been somewhat offputtingly tart.

3, 4, 4, 4, 4

Boulevard Saison-Brett

Not sure who brought it to the table but thanks nonetheless.

Golden, clear and very very bubbly. Good looks certainly. More lemony than funky aroma but very appetizing. Aroma exceeds taste by far... taste is rather run of the mill. Slightly bitter, spicy, and fruity. Great prickly mouthfeel with a dry finish. Worth seeking out.

5, 4.5, 3, 4, 3.5

(512) Whiskey Barrel Aged Double Pecan Porter

Thanks Mista!

Extremely foamy pour, off the charts :-/ Appears a little thin but mouthfeel turned out to be okay. Too tart in the nose and apparently a little funky... something is off here with weird nose and carbonation issues. Tastes fine though: chocolate, roast, and only slightly nutty if at all. In spite of the somewhat off aroma this was an enjoyable brew.

4, 4, 4, 4, 4

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