Thursday, August 9, 2012

Central Waters Fourteen Fourteen

"Our special version of Satin Solstice Imperial Stout, aged for 14 months in Old Heaven Hill 14 year-old bourbon barrels for our 14th anniversary celebration. Limited release of 1,000 bottles."

Have to thank Yulles, dc55110 and Mista for the tip. Enjoyed on tap at Muddy Waters.

Black! With good head and retention. The aroma reminded me of The Abyss in several ways in its charred, burnt character. Whiskey by the campfire?

There is plenty of vanilla later but not with a BCBS like silkiness... quite creamy and smooth nonetheless. Char and firm bitterness with mellow sweetness and booze. Woody.

Very warming but with some solvent like notes.

I am not sure on the mouthfeel... on one hand I want it to be bigger, thicker while on the other hand I want it to be thinner and more liquor like (Dark Knight is a good example).

Overall there are so many options now that this one doesn't seem to be worth the trouble of going after a bottle, especially because it reminds me of The Abyss that I like better and is relatively much easier to come by.

That said, it's a damn fine beer!

4, 4, 4, 4, 4.5

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