Thursday, August 30, 2012

Blalance of the haul from Romulux

Solstice D'été Aux Framboises

Romulux be da man!

This might be the most pink beer I have ever had! Deep pink with a lighter pink head. Good retention, good lacing.

Aroma is obliterated by raspberries, very close to a Framboise lambic minus the possible funk. Taste is clean, but not as clean as the perfect Framboise... a little too puckering, a little too much acid for me; with a vinegar like acidity. But very good regardless.

Very very good; certainly more drinkable than NG Raspberry Tart for instance (which itself is very good!), but missing the clean, 100% lactic character of, say, LP.

4.5, 4.5, 4, 4, 4

Madame Rose

2010 vintage sent by Romulux, thanks! Split with a few BAs at a tasting.

The aroma is very soft and well integrated... somewhat funky, somewhat sour with a soft fruit presence. Doesn't smell too acetic. Good.

Only slightly sour tasting with light oak character and almost grape (wine) like at times. Some tannins at the end. There is a good fruit presence but I am not getting cherries specifically. Medium feel and dry finish, very good.

4, 4, 4, 4, 4

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