Thursday, August 30, 2012

Tasting (Aug. 17, 2012)

Cantillon Vigneronne

Shared by Steasy66, thanks!

Hazy amber with a medium head, ok retention, ok lacing. Funky (manure), musty and slightly acidic aroma. Clean and mildly tart taste; wine notes come through (grape peel) and dry white wine tannins linger.

Mouthfeel is good as with all Cantillon, light and dry. One of my favorite 'loons.

4, 4, 4, 4.5, 4.5

3F Schaerbeekse Kriek

Purchased at The Nova's (Hudson, WI). Hurt the wallet.

A deep and clear pink color with a light pink-rose head. Soft cherries in the aroma and the signature 3F notes. Fruit in taste but the essence, not the flesh. Cherry, of course. Good sourness, very clean, big on oak. Amazingly light and clean feel, drinks like the FG was 1.000. Thoroughly enjoyable.

4.5, 4.5, 4, 4.5, 4.5

Torulus Unblended Barrel  Aged Rye Imperial Stout

Sent by Romulux, thanks as always!

This is the 100% Rye version I believe. Looks the part, dark brown with a lingering ring for head/retention. Roast and malt in the aroma, possibly some spice. Not much of a -bal presence here. Drinks roasty, bitter chocolaty with a good presence of oak but again, muted -bals. Mouthfeel seems a little thin, the beer a little overcarbonated. Overall it's not bad but doesn't stand out.

4, 4, 3.5, 3, 3.5

Founders Frangelic Mountain Brown

Shared by Steasy66, thanks!
Clear with a dark amber color, not exactly brown. Some head.

Toasted hazelnuts dominate the aroma, not much of a coffee presence here. Never thought I would say this but sweet and artificial flavors dominate this beer. Everything about the mouthfeel is balanced, medium whatever but the beer itself is pretty mediocre.

I think it is well made, but the recipe sucks ass IMO. The "backstage series" is an utter flop compared to the regular and seasonal lineup of Founders.

Avoid at the price.

4, 3, 3, 4, 3

Dogfish Head 75 Minute IPA

Shared by Steasy66, thanks!

Amber colored beer with a big head and good retention. Maple and caramel dominate the aroma although some hops still linger. Only slightly bitter, strictly in the balancing role, with sweet flavors stealing the show. Mouthfeel is spot on. Overall one of the better DFH beers, and possibly my favorite after Burton Baton.

4, 4, 4, 4, 4

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