Thursday, August 9, 2012

More random reviews

Surly Coffee Bender

Canned 2 weeks ago. Poured into a Surly pint.

A clear dark brown with a light brown head with good retention and lacing. Aroma is Bender's dark maltiness + coffee, and hard to tell where the beer ends and the coffee starts.

Tastes like carbonated iced coffee, pretty much, minus the acidity; well there is some acidity but not overpowering. Finishes with slight roast and a lingering coffee taste. Mouthfeel is light and carbonation not too high (thankfully!).

Overall? An excellent coffee beer. Don't drink it if you don't like coffee.
4, 4, 4, 4, 4.5

Summit Saga IPA

Lighter and clearer than many IPAs; good head, good retention, and good lacing. 4/5

Rather generic aroma, slightly hoppy, slightly bready. 3/5

Tastes better, bolder, and different from many other Summit beers*. Clean, somewhat piney, monolithic but enjoyable bitterness. 4/5

Medium body, slightly bready finish. Good carbonation. Right on. 4.5/5

I like it very much especially at the price point. 4/5

* I am of the opinion that most of their beers taste the same. This one is worth seeking out though.

New Belgium Fat Tire

Extreme clarity is a flaw in this beer's looks, otherwise it ain't bad. Good creamy head with good retention and good lacing. Aroma is not impressive, let's just put it that way.

Taste is actually not bad... I wish they made it a little fatter, and it'd be a proper brown ale like Bender. Even so I quite like the balance between sweetness, speciality malt character and the finishing bitterness.

Mouthfeel is rather watery, but nothing unforgivable. Overall it's an above average beer. Gets some shit for being too common or whatever but better than many small batch crap for sure.
3, 2, 4, 3, 3.5

Lienenkugel's Honey Weiss

Poured into a pint.

Crystal clear with a two finger head that leaves a wispy layer behind without any lacing. Doesn't smell repulsive but is certainly very generic: some malts and that seems to be about it. Taste instantly deports me to my earlier days of drinking beer: notes of The Library and Sally's Saloon. In more concrete terms, it tastes very generic with some maltiness, slight bitterness at the end, and a generally clean character. Plus the yucks. Thin, watery, carbonated. Also, can't tell whatever happened to real Wisconsin honey. It is what it is. And it ain't any good.

2, 2, 2, 2, 2

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