Thursday, June 2, 2011

Blind Pig

Blind Pig
American IPA
Russian River Brewing Co.
6.1% ABV
OG 1.060
500 ml. (16.9 oz.) bottled 05/09/2011 poured into a pilsner glass.

    Crystal clear liquid gold with a good off white dense head. Surprisingly the retention is just average but the lacing is real good.

    I am not a big fan of the aroma that although very good, is rather weak, and a tad maltier than the blast I was hoping for. The hops are weedy and spicy, and come along really well in the taste. Very bitter with minty, spicy and pungent notes on the backdrop of a light malt base; somehow Blind Pig feels like chewing on tobacco/tea leaves, but in the most delicious way.

    The mouthfeel is not as crisp, but that could be the temperature. Finish is bone dry and the body is below medium. A real easy drinking, lower alcohol, low gravity, hop heavy IPA. Belongs in the league of Masala Mama and Furious in every respect but aroma. But then, I have always had the said beers fresh, and even on cask so the comparison might not be fair.

I like it, very much!

Appearance 4/5; Aroma 3.5/5; Taste 4.5/5; Mouthfeel 4.5/5; Overall 4.5/5

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