Saturday, June 18, 2011


Belgian Strong Dark Ale
8% ABV
22 IBUs
12 oz. bottle poured into a Chimay chalice.

Rust brown with moderate clarity and a good light murky brown head; average retention that might very well be the chalice's fault and decent lacing. 4/5

Even though poured gently, the aroma is huge on yeast; not off putting per se, but not the very likeable owing to its dominance. Other notes include soft fruit, berry sweetness and toasted malts. 3.5/5

Notes of slightly bitter fruit peel (plums, apples) on the palate with a tannic finish followed by fruity and estery aftertaste. Lingering bitterness. Tannic character borders on roast. 3.5/5

Light, effervescent and clean mouthfeel; like it ought to be! 4.5/5 Overall good. 4/5

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