Saturday, June 18, 2011


American IPA
Alpine Beer Company
7% ABV
45 IBUs
OG 1.065
22 oz. with no dates into a Bell's tulip. Thanks BulbMan!

    Yellow golden hue and brilliance, with a medium off white head. Good retention, some lacing. A very fruity aroma of mangoes and pineapples. And signature Alpine weediness. Good aroma, fo-sho.

    Slightly fruity and sweet at the beginnings with a crisp, dry and bitter finish. Drinks easy and very refreshing with good carbonation and medium body. Man, if this came by easy and had half the alcohol, I'll purchase it by the case. Lacking bitterness, or at least not as bitter as want. Also evidenced by the IBUs on this one. Overall, a very good beer, bordering greatness but higher in alcohol that I'd prefer.

Scores: Appearance 4/5; Aroma 4/5; Taste 4/5; Mouthfeel 4/5; Overall 4/5

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