Tuesday, June 28, 2011

AleSmith Speedway Stout

AleSmith Speedway Stout
Imperial Stout
AleSmith Brewing Company
12% ABV
OG 1.111

750 ml poured into a big snifter. Thanks Anand!

Dark brown and clear, viscous looking but not the thickest, Speedway poured with a medium dark brown head that fell to a ring and a disjoint sheet of tiny foam soon enough. Some lacing. Good enough for a 12% ABV Imperial Stout.

Aroma: Coffee, alcohol, and sweetness that could be from alcohol, but most probably comes from sweet malts. No hint of roast; and overwhelming booziness --- limited in merit and complexity.

Taste is smooth, bitter and flavorful with coffee. Ample amount of sweetness from rich malts and alcohol. Finishes with unexpected strength of roast and a kiss of alcohol with lingering coffee aftertaste. Feels silky with low carbonation against its body but is still not as coating; however, the finish is fairly clean too so no problems here.

Overall rather one dimensional but quite potent and well done.

Appearance: 4.5/5; Aroma: 3.5/5; Taste: 4.5/5; Mouthfeel: 4/5; Overall: 4/5

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