Wednesday, June 15, 2011


American IPA
Terrapin Beer Co.
7.3% ABV
78 IBUs
OG: 16.3
FG: 3

    12 oz. bottle with a best by of August, Week 2, poured into a shaker pint on 06/15. Thanks BulbMan!

    Pours with slight haze, resembling orange candy with a moderate head. The retention and, especially, the lacing is impressive for the size of the head. Smells malty and fruity, with notes of tropical fruit. No pungent character to go with the name.

    Tastes fruity, pineapples and mangoes in my opinion; with bitterness coming up only towards the end. Still quite bitter. Mouthfeel is medium and rather creamy; finish is quite dry and the carbonation is moderate. Leaves a bitter aftertaste that is delicious but lacks character. Gets a wee but aggressive with warmth (greener and sharper) but stays quite balanced; too balanced I think. Overall a well done AIPA but that's about it.

    Also, I can taste the alcohol, I can feel the alcohol warmth and I do not think that this beer needs to be 7.3% ABV for any reason other than bang for the buck.

Appearance 4.5/5; Aroma 3.5/5; Taste 3/5; Mouthfeel 4.5/5; Overall 3.5/5

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