Friday, June 24, 2011

Rabid Duck

Rabid Duck
Russian Imperial Stout
The Duck-Rabbit Craft Brewery
10% ABV

12 oz bottle, courtesy BulbMan, poured into a snifter. Thanks Jon!

    Looks: Dark brown, rather thin looking (but I make no judgment yet!), with a nice dark khaki colored head with good retention for the size. Not much in terms of lacing.

    Aroma: Very very fruity, borderline vinous, and not all that stout-y. Can't say if it's a flaw because the aroma is not repulsive by any means, but not quite what I expected. Some roast is present.

    Taste & Mouthfeel: I think that the yeast used to ferment this beer might have been particularly characterful given the likeness to a Belgian Dubbel: first the aroma was fruity, then the first sip felt metallic. Of course, the metallic character was because the beer was too cold. But this is overlapping into the Belgian Imperial Stout category (?) nonetheless: fruity character, almost bubblegum at times, with the high carbonation derived pseudo fullness, and a roasty finish. Coffee like flavors linger afterwards. Body is medium-full at best. Overall, this reminds of the famous Kate, but it's not in the same league.

Looks: 4/5; Aroma 3.5/5; Taste 3.5/5; Mouthfeel 3.5/5; Overall 3.5/5

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